A combined search of a wide variety of EBSCOhost databases containing thousands of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles covering all disciplines. Includes scholarly journal articles. Includes Academic Search Premier, America: History and Life, science and medicine/health databases, psychology databases, and many more. PCC offers a brief video with instructions for using this database, and more advanced ways to improve your search,
This video clip is one example of what you can view within the AVON (Academic Video Online) database. You can also find videos in the Films on Demand database. To search these databases, go to the library homepage and click the link labeled "Databases."
Off campus users first need to log in to play this video.
This video is one example of what you can view within the Films on Demand database. To locate Films on Demand, go to the library homepage and click the link labeled "Databases."
Off campus users first need to log in to play this video.